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    IF YOU 結果共18筆

  • Mayor Chiang acts on fatal food poisoning case

    The story covers Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an’s announcement regarding a recent food poisoning incident at Polam Kopitiam’s Far Eastern Department Xinyi A13 store, resulting in one death and several illnesses. Health officials, food safety officers, epidemiologists, and police are investigating the source of the illness. The Taipei City’s Department of Health has ordered the closure of the store and its branches in Taipei. If you have dined at Polam Kopitiam in Xinyi district and experience symptoms, seek medical attention immediately.
    2024/03/27 14:36
  • Han Kuo-yu consults predecessor after securing Speaker role

    Newly-appointed Legislative Speaker Han Kuo-yu seeks counsel from his predecessor Wang Jin-pyng, demonstrating respect for traditional decorum and the continuation of Kuomintang’s experience. Han emphasizes that non-violent conduct and police intervention are unnecessary as long as his agenda can be accomplished. Meanwhile, You Si-kun, who failed to secure another term, resigns from the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) and is praised for his commitment to democracy by Lai Ching-te. Lai reveals that You had declared his determination to secure the position of legislative speaker and, if unsuccessful, would resign as a legislator to cultivate new talent. At a gratitude dinner, Lai encourages his party colleagues to anticipate future competitions and collaborations in the Legislative Yuan and continue making strong efforts to push legislation forward.
    2024/02/02 11:33
  • Former speaker You Si-kun resigns, sparks political shuffle

    Former Legislative Speaker You Si-kun has resigned from his at-large legislator position, citing personal plans. This decision was reported to President-elect Lai Ching-te on January 19. Former Democratic Progressive Party legislator Julian Kuo disclosed that Lai had selected two departing Taiwan People’s Party legislators for his cabinet and arranged for You to assume another high-level position. The vacant at-large legislator position will be filled by Dr. Wang Cheng-hsu, Chairman of HOPE Foundation for Cancer Care. Additionally, DPP policy head Wang Yi-chuan may potentially take on the at-large legislator role if more vacancies arise. DPP legislator Chuang Jui-hsiung, who is rumored to be appointed as the Minister of Agriculture, has not yet received any official appointment.
    2024/02/02 10:33
  • Legislative Yuan elects new leadership amid high stakes

    The 11th term legislators in Taiwan reported for duty and will elect the new Speaker and Vice Speaker of the Legislative Yuan. Notable incumbents include Han Kuo-yu, Wang Shih-chien, and Huang Kuo-chang. The KMT has put forth Han Kuo-yu and Johnny Chiang as candidates, while the DPP has nominated You Si-kun and Tsai Chi-chang. The TPP has unanimously elected Huang Shan-shan as its candidate. The KMT controls 54 seats, the DPP holds 51, and the TPP has eight. If no one secures a majority in the first round, a second round will be held. The speaker election will take place from 10:30 a.m. to 12 p.m., followed by the vice speaker election from 2:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. Results are expected by 5 p.m.
    2024/02/01 11:35
  • 「車銀優師弟」秀超深掌紋 特殊含意曝光!

    被譽為「韓腐BL劇天花板」的《第八感》推出電影版,於2023高雄電影節舉行世界首映,今(8)日兩位演員「車銀優師弟」林志燮、吳俊澤也來到高雄與粉絲見面,昨日出席紅毯見到許多粉絲相當意外,林志燮也分享有和台灣演員交流,不少人用英文邀請他「if you come to TAIPEI,You can call me」,讓兩人非常感激,深深感受到台灣的熱情。
    2023/10/08 17:35
  • 有片/震撼回歸!巨石強森重返摔角場 招牌動作痛扁對手

    身材魁武的好萊塢明星巨石強森(Dwayne ’the Rock’ Johnson)為職業摔角選手出身,雖然轉戰影壇多年,在摔角場上的名言「If you Smell What The Rock is Cooking!」(你猜得到巨石強森我葫蘆裡在賣什麼藥嗎?)至今仍讓粉絲津津樂道;闊別摔角場4年的他,15日震撼回歸,在與對手西奧里(Austin Theory)互噴垃圾話後,連秀2記招牌動作海扁對手,讓全場觀眾為之沸騰。
    2023/09/17 10:18
  • 美國年輕人很「自由派」?新世代種族多元 恐不利共和黨

    西方一句名言有云:「若你25歲不是個自由派,你是沒良心的;若你35歲不是個保守派,就是沒腦袋。」(If you are not a liberal at 25, you have no heart. If you are not a conservative at 35 you have no brain.)。美國歷史看來,人們隨着年紀增長,意識形態會由自由趨於保守,但千禧世代似乎沒有跟隨這個慣性走,牢牢的留在民主黨陣營裡;仍然在學或剛進職場的Z世代,種族文化更多元,在各種社會議題上取態更是「向左走」
    2023/07/08 13:56
  • Lai’s campaign office dismisses talks about U.S. visit

    A campaign spokesperson of Vice President Lai Ching-te dismissed talks on Tuesday (June 27) about his alleged plans to visit the United States. Speaking at the launch event of Lai’s campaign merchandise, spokesperson Chen Shi-kai said: "If the visit is taking place, we will let you know in the same way as in the past. We have not received any information about visiting."
    2023/06/28 12:09
  • 最愛BLACKPINK哪首? 網嗨喊「早期經典歌」:一聽中毒

    人氣女團BLACKPINK昨(18)日起連2天在高雄世運主場開唱,吸引9萬多粉絲前往朝聖。昨晚,一位粉絲在PPT問廣大網友,「最喜歡的BLACKPINK主打歌是哪首?」貼文一出掀起熱議,許多網友紛紛列出〈Kill this love〉、〈How You Like That〉等火紅歌曲,不過,網友最喜愛票選第一名,是「這首」早期的經典歌曲。
    2023/03/19 14:29
  • 扯!女偽造畢業證書和執照 假冒小兒科醫師1年才被抓包

    這會不會太誇張?土耳其一名女子,從小就背負家人期待,就在高中畢業後,竟謊稱自己考上醫學院,甚至還偽造畢業證書和醫師執照,最後順利混進到某間醫院工作,並擔任小兒科醫師。直到最近被同事問到醫學問題,她卻答不出來,這才揪出她偽造學歷和執照的事實,其狀況宛如電影《神鬼交鋒》(Catch Me If You Can)的現實人生版。
    2022/12/02 22:43
  • 《陰屍路:倖存者》正版美漫畫授權手遊 知名遊戲實況主都叫好!

    《陰屍路:倖存者》正版美漫畫授權手遊 知名遊戲實況主都叫好!(圖/遊戲業者提供) 疫情期間,不少人因為不能外出窩在家裡追劇、玩遊戲,像是《火神的眼淚》日前迎來精彩大結局,另外像是精彩的美國影集、漫畫更是不少人的首選,像多次獲得「美漫界奧斯卡」艾斯納獎肯定的《陰屍路》,就有許多讀者相當喜歡,更有人看完感嘆,若該漫畫比擬這波新冠疫情,超強的感染力,不知道是否能安然度過。 日前遊戲大廠宣布,取得正版漫畫「陰屍路」授權改編的生存策略手機遊戲《陰屍路:倖存者》(英譯:The Walking Dead: Survivors)代理權,讓不少喜歡恐怖刺激遊戲的玩家都大感興趣,當中幾句「經典語錄」更是受到玩家瘋傳,例如「如果你沒有希望,那活著還有什麼意義?(If you don’t have hope ,what’s the point of living?)」、「生活永遠都是考驗(Life was always a test)」,讓不少網友都琅琅上口。
    2021/06/10 09:00
  • 13歲泰雅女孩歌聲被讚爆 全韓文唱這首夯曲

    一名來自泰雅族的13歲女孩「Abby」,與19歲的哥哥「Aaron」近期發表了第一部翻唱作品,影片中妹妹負責唱歌,哥哥則是在一旁用電腦軟體玩起音樂,翻唱BIGBANG夯曲《IF YOU》,甜美又清亮的嗓音,馬上獲得不少網友關注,更特別的是Abby小小年紀,卻用全韓文唱完整首歌,令人非常驚豔,對此哥哥接受TVBS新聞網記者訪問時說,其實妹妹並不會說韓文,他只是很愛追星,聽久了自然就會唱了。
    2017/10/20 17:20
  • 「打不倒,就買下來吧!」 職業運動與電競的競合關係

    英文諺語裡說「如果打不倒他們,就加入他們」(If you can’t beat them, join them.)。這句話用在如今職業運動與電競比賽之間的關係也算貼切。隨著電競比賽觀眾人數增加,受關注的程度越來越高,傳統的職業運動球會也積極尋求合作甚至拓展事業的機會。
    2017/09/17 00:08
  • 睽違3年!潔西卡脫口喊Sone 粉絲淚崩:好想你

    韓國女星潔西卡(Jessica)2014年無預警從「少女時代」退團,震驚演藝圈,而退團後的她努力發展個人事業,也不再鏡頭前提起少女時代,然而先前確曾在節目上被粉絲意外發現,她無意識的哼著退團前的最後一首歌《Catch Me If You Can》自己獨唱的部分,近日在直播時還脫口喊出「Sone」(少女時代粉絲名),讓不少歌迷淚呼「真的好想你。」
    2017/07/10 14:45
  • 經典樂團「芝加哥」 金曲傳唱老中青三代

    情歌總是老的好!美國老牌天團「芝加哥」縱橫樂壇將近50年,是搖滾史上唯一在1960、70、80、90年代,還有21世紀都有專輯打入「告示牌」排行榜前40名的樂團,全球專輯銷售累計超過1.2億張,「If You Leave Me Now」、「Hard to Say I'm Sorry」這些膾炙人口的抒情搖滾歌曲陪伴資深歌迷一起長大經典樂團芝加哥 金曲傳唱老中青三代就連新一代的都會男女聽了也都會愛上。
    2016/01/20 22:36
  • 安全帽印「來抓我啊」! 囂張車手被逮

    警方逮捕一名19歲的詐騙集團車手,連日在大桃園地區提領現金超過300萬,而嫌犯非常囂張,犯案時都會戴著貼有英文貼紙的安全帽,上頭寫著「Catch me,if you can」!中文意思就是「如果可以就來抓我啊」,也因為太顯眼,早就被警方鎖定,趁他再度盜領被害人存款時,如他所願將他逮捕。
    2012/10/15 12:05
  • 想幫助30歲僅80公分的腦膜炎成植物人!

    Q:This message is for the reporter:趙百恂、李讚盛,I was wondering if you guys have the address for that person(腦膜炎成植物人30歲僅80公分),Please reply if you do have the address.Thank you very much.
    2003/08/20 16:26
  • 倉木麻衣新專輯 孫燕姿有份

    與孫燕姿合唱「MY STORY YOUR SONG」的日本人氣小歌姬倉木麻衣,結束為期8個月的日本全國演唱會之後,推出了她的最新專輯「IF I BELIEVE」,專輯當中,還收錄了之前與孫燕姿的另一首合唱曲「TONIGHT I FEEL CLOSE TO YOU」
    2003/07/09 23:10
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